By Eliza Stuart /

5 Top Affiliate Marketing Programs for Parenting Blogs

Have you got a blog about parenting which you are looking to monetize?

Parenting blogs are started by lots of individuals as a hobby to discuss tips and advice on parenting. However, upgrading it and keeping up a blog that is significant takes up a great deal of cash and time.

And as you expand and grow, you ought to start thinking about monetizing your blog. Through this way, you are able to work with the companies that you have since loved and provide your viewers useful products.

One way to earn money is affiliate marketing. It is a technique without being salesy, to recommend products.

Keep reading to learn how to use the Affiliate Programs to your personal blog.


Ebates includes a referral instead of an affiliate program but it’s possible to still make use of it. It gives in-store cash back, daily deals, discounts, and coupons. And we all know that parents are delighted to save a little cash saving.

If you refer two friends to Ebates and they happen to join the website, you receive a $50 referral commission. The site offers $10 as a welcome bonus to new members.

Erin Condren

Erin Condren is among the most popular stationery stores in the country. And the products will fit perfectly to your site should you discuss weekly meal plans, to-do lists, household chores, and organization.

The commission that is beginning is about 7{be390624a0ebcc424a1886ee8701bb52f95cce51d0cd65f5f1a6ec6ca697ad0c} of the merchandise cost, And they normally offer bonuses and special promotions to their affiliate partners.

Escalate Network

The Escalate Network is an affiliate network that works with brands and advertisers. This is a recommended program for you if your blog has some articles on living, couponing, or mommy tips.

The Escalate Network can help you place the links easily that match your topic. This would be to make sure your posts do not push to your readers deals or some other merchandise, since this might lead to losing their trust.

Simplified Organization.

Organization tips is offered by this blog for parents more so moms. You’ll find tips on living pantry organization, living a clutter free life style, and online courses.

Should you happen to register to your Affiliate program, you will be able to make a commission to market and sell their product.

Amazon Affiliates

This is one of the well known affiliate program sites, including parenting blogs. Amazon is a shop that is enormous, which means you can locate products that you use and connect on your posts to them.

An alternative is to review products and express your view. These articles also have a great deal of potential for affiliate links and are helpful to your readers.

Can parenting blogs earn money?

If you do affiliate marketing the right way in your site you can make a decent sum of money.

Gaining and maintaining the confidence of your audience is the most valuable thing that you have.

Even in the event that you use affiliate links be clear about them and place a disclaimer before individual posts. The secret is to be honest with your readers about the products you recommend.