
Namasenda talks fashion fails, fashion grails and how much she loves to lie

By avi maxwel / in , , , , , , /

The Stockholm-based musician behind bangers like ‘No Regrets’ and ‘deathrow bby’ also reveals her sci-fi influences, her dream girl group line-up, and which Spice Girls track she’d love to cover

Namasenda is a self-confessed liar. As soon as I sit down in front of her in the green room of XOYO ahead of her final gig of the year, the Stockholm-based former PC Music signee warns me that she’s a big fan of fibbing in interviews. It becomes apparent very quickly – “Did I say that? I didn’t say that,” she laughs when I try to clarify that Sporty was in fact her favourite Spice Girl – and continues throughout, rendering a lot of my research prep completely redundant.

My notes might have been metaphorically ripped up and tossed out of the window, but in the end it makes for a very fun conversation, as she mischievously chops and changes her mind. As a contrarian Scorpio, it’s something I appreciate – if I was a pop star sitting in her place, I’d probably do the same. Always keep them guessing your next move.

One thing that’s absolutely, definitely true, however, is just how talented Namasenda is. First landing in people’s

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Gen Z loves clothing hauls and hates landfills. Enter the style bundle

By avi maxwel / in , , , , , , , , /

When Celeste Goyena graduated college in spring 2020 armed with a degree in marketing and finance, it was the midst of the pandemic and her job prospects had stalled. With time on her hands, Goyena began selling “style bundles” — curated collections of clothing that clients could request via direct message or her personal website. To market herself, the 24-year-old started diving into thrift-store racks and posting her findings on TikTok. These “outfit of the day” videos, which she would adorn with hashtags such as #fitcheck and #outfitinspiration, didn’t get much traction, but that changed when one of her first clients showed her a Pinterest board of colorful Y2K summer staples.

Goyena, who is based in New York City, shipped her a head-to-toe outfit complete with accessories that nailed the look. In July 2021, she posted a #stylebundle video of the process that quickly received more than 30,000 likes and nearly 200,000 views. She’s since amassed tens of thousands of followers on both TikTok and Instagram, and her algorithmically produced TikTok “For You” page was soon filled with other thrifters selling their own Pinterest-inspired style bundles. Among them was Charlotte Chiasson, 24, who began

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